Why does Poland need a national security strategy? For what purposes should Poland use its armed forces? Is reintroducing compulsory military service a good idea? In which Pink Floyd song was a certain question crucial to Poland's security asked? These and many other topics will be discussed in a fascinating and very long conversation by General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces (2018-2023) and guest of the next edition of Patrycjusz Wyżga's "didaskalia" program. We invite you to watch. (the episode mentioned in the conversation with the participation of prof. Andrzej Zybertowicz: • Big Techs destroyed the political class... ) 00:00:00 The best fragments 00:02:02 The role of the General Staff 00:03:35 Security philosophy 00:09:10 Climate change in the perspective of war 00:20:35 Historical context 00:32:00 Reflection on Polish strategic thought 00:57:40 Political ambitions of General Andrzejczak 01:02:10 Battle for time 01:14:55 The relationship between the wealth of the nation and the strength of the army 01:22:30 Poland as a provider of security 01:40:50 The issue of conscription and military service 01:45:25 Renaissance of interest in the international situation 01:50:15 Reflections on cooperation with Channel Zero 02:03:20 Literature and podcasts