Download the TribunX news application on the Play Store or App Store to get a new experience TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - The body of lawyer Rudi S Gani underwent an autopsy in the Forensic Room of the South Sulawesi Police's Biddokkes Dokpol on Wednesday (1/1). During the autopsy process, Rudi's wife, Maryam, was also seen at the location accompanied by a number of relatives. The moments of Rudi's shooting were witnessed by the family who were at the location to wait for the New Year's Eve moment. However, the family did not realize that Rudi had been shot and thought the victim had a ruptured blood vessel. (TribunVideo.com) This article has been published on Tribun-Timur.com with the title Moments of Lawyer Rudi S Gani Shot in Front of Wife during New Year's Eve Event in Bone, https://makassar.tribunnews.com/2025/.... Author: Muslimin Emba Editor: Hasriyani Latif Program: Viral News Host: Fransisca Krisdianutami Mawaski Video Editor: Rahmat Gilang Maulana #LawyerDead #UnknownShooting #ShootingCase #RudiSGani #BoneShooting #LatestNews #NewYearCelebration #SouthSulawesiPolice #Crime