Cotton cakes. Ingredients: ■ 1 tablespoon instant yeast ■ 1 and a half cups of warm milk ■ 1/4 cup sugar ■ 1 teaspoon vinegar ■ 1/4 cup yogurt ■ 1/2 cup oil with 1 tablespoon melted butter ■ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla ■ 1 egg ■ 5 cups of white flour ■ 1 teaspoon baking powder ■ 1/2 tablespoon salt. ☆☆☆ How to prepare the pies: Put the milk, sugar, yeast and vinegar and mix well. The vinegar helps the yeast react. Then cover them for 10 minutes. This step is important to know the activity of the yeast and is also important for the success of the pies. After 10 minutes, add the yogurt and the white of one egg and the yolk. Leave it to grease the pies and add the oil with the butter and leave it for a while until we turn the dough in it. Then add the flour, baking powder and salt and knead well for 15 minutes by hand and with the mixer for 10 minutes until we get successful pies. After that, We finish kneading and let it rest for a full hour, then divide the dough into 12 equal balls, flatten them and stuff them with whatever filling you prefer. To grease the pies: a little egg yolk, vinegar, a tablespoon of milk, a sprinkle of bastilla, Nescafe, and drops of honey. This mixture is amazing for browning pies. #Cotton_pies_with_awesome_dough_that_works_for_all_types_of_pastries_ #Easy_economical_pies_ #Savory_pies_ #Quick_recipes_