RoV International Competition AIC 2024???? The last 8 teams Watch the competition via ValorTV (cup next to the profile) Get a free permanent skin! Come cheer for the Thai team to win the international championship together!! ???????????? Today's match schedule [BO5] 00:00 START ▪️[Match 1] Flash Wolves ???? BanMei Gaming 37:31 FW vs BMG start draft game 1 47:55 FW vs BMG start game 1 1:16:14 FW vs BMG start draft game 2 1:25:23 FW vs BMG start game 2 1:49:10 FW vs BMG start draft game 3 1:58:19 FW vs BMG start game 3 2:22:01 FW vs BMG start draft game 4 2:32:37 FW vs BMG start game 4 2:57:19 FW vs BMG start draft game 5 3:06:54 FW vs BMG start game 5 ▪️[Match 2] ???????????????????????? ???????????????????? ???? ???????????????????????????? 4:10:27 FS vs TLN Start draft game 1 4:22:25 FS vs TLN Start game 1 4:45:42 FS vs TLN Start draft game 2 4:55:29 FS vs TLN Start game 2 5:28:44 FS vs TLN Start draft game 3 5:37:54 FS vs TLN Start game 3 6:05:17 FS vs TLN Start draft game 4 6:14:07 FS vs TLN Start game 4 6:50:44 FS vs TLN Start draft game 5 7:01:45 FS vs TLN start game 5 ▪️[Lost and eliminated] Flash Wolves ???? ???????????????????????????? 8:14:33 FW vs TLN start draft game 1 8:24:18 FW vs TLN start game 1 8:46:25 FW vs TLN start draft game 2 8:56:31 FW vs TLN start game 2 9:21:16 FW vs TLN start draft game 3 9:31:55 FW vs TLN start game 3 10:00:12 FW vs TLN start draft game 4 10:09:31 FW vs TLN start game 4 10:54:04 FW vs TLN start draft game 5 11:04:42 FW vs TLN, game 5 starts _________________________________ AIC 2024 competition is divided into 4 rounds as follows: ▪️1v1 Tournament: 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 67 ▪️Swiss Stage (selected to 8 teams): 5-15 Dec. 67 ▪️Quarter Finals (selected to 4 teams): 19-22 Dec. 67 ???????????????????? ???????????????????????? & ???????????????????? ????????????????????: 28-29 Dec. 67 #AIC2024 #BringitOn #RoV #AoV #ArenaofValor #RPL #RoVProLeague #Live