Blue roses, the dream of many, many generations of rose breeders. However, roses of a blue or light blue shade simply cannot exist in nature. This fact can be explained by the fact that roses simply do not have a gene that would be responsible for blue pigmentation. At the moment, among the assortment of garden roses, there are so-called conditionally blue roses. But in fact, their shades are close to lilac, purple, lavender and are far from true blue or light blue. But even these colors: Purple, lilac, lavender - these are not simple colors and are not typical for the world of roses. Therefore, there are few such varieties. And today I want to tell you about the varieties of these shades in my garden. 00:00 Do blue roses exist? 02:11 Blue for You; 03:41 Love Song; 04:53 Novalis; 06:07 Icevogel; 06:59 Agnes Schillinger; 07:51 Pompadour; 09:01 Let's Celebrate. #roses#blueroses#bestrosevarieties#blueroses#idealroses#roseselection#growingroses#rosevarieties#rosecare#rosesinthegarden#rosegarden#beautifulrosegarden#growingroses#beautifulroses#creatingarosegarden#galinabaskakova#galinabaskakovaroses