We start this section by repairing the mosquito door that broke almost 3/4 years ago. Henrik met Martin from Holland who had made his door twice, and he wanted to help make our mosquito door. After that we go to Monda to visit Dorte and Gerry who Henrik went carp fishing with last year. They live on a mountainside and we had to go all the way up to the end of the road. After that we go to Coin to visit Siff and Michael who had invited us to dinner in their beautiful villa on the top of the mountain. We have to admit that to visit the last two places Spain has challenged us with old Spanish mountain roads, but so far we have done it very well. After that we drive to La Cala de Mijas to have Easter lunch with 4 other couples who are in Spain with their camper. And the next day we all go to Easter lunch at the Danish club, Club Danése which Siff is the chairman of, her husband Michael is at the bar and we visit him a couple of times during the evening. Our website where you can find the latest information about us: https://sohv.dk/ Support us: https://sohv.dk/stot-sussi-og-henriks... Collaborate with us: https://sohv.dk/samarbejd-med-os/ www.clubdanes.dk