Join me as I rummage through the pantry and fridge of famous profiles. Does the content reflect things we already know about them or are there completely new secrets hiding there? And most importantly: do we manage to bake something with what they already have at home? First up we have Felicia Aveklew. ○ My webshop (advertising): https://shop.mykitchenstories.se/ ○ Recipe for the banana cake: https://mykitchenstories.se/bananakaka... ○ Follow Felicia on Instagram: / feliciaaveklew ○ Felicia's Youtube channel: / @ feliciaaveklew ○ Tracklist - find the right one in the video: ○ Follow me on instagram: / camillahamid ○ More recipes: http://mykitchenstories.se ○ Film & editing: Wetzel Productions https://wetzelproductions.com/