How to understand the article ⭐️ Dear friends, We want to help you better understand the principles of the game called 'German language'. Today we will talk with you about how, without learning a thousand words, to understand that this or that word is neuter. 🇩🇪 After all, German has its own iron logic, having understood which you can easily bypass the 'traps' that many fall into. One of them is the article and its use. ⭐️ In a series of videos about understanding the article, what rules it is based on, you will, we hope, find for yourself all the answers that torment you and many other students of German throughout the entire learning process. 👩🏫 Do not judge strictly, we have collected for you all the rules for determining neuter words by meaning. We tried to be as clear as possible, without 'water', as short and informative as possible. And if the pace of the video seems too fast for you, you can select the slow listening function here in YouTube itself to adjust the pace of the video to suit you. 😎 Here is a link to the declension of the word das Junge: https://de.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Junges 😎 And this is a link to the word das Morgen: https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/... 🥂The key to comfortable and productive learning of any foreign language is consistency. Follow the link to our telegram channel: https://t.me/bozenakorn Here we study German using mini tests, little by little and every day. And we also get to know Germany better, its beauty and traditions. 🟣 And here is a link to our Instagram, my favorite dish is semantics, understanding words by their shades: https://instagram.com/deutsch_mit_boz... 🔵 This is a group on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/24388... 💝 Thank you for your comments, they give us hope that we are on the right track, that everything we do helps you in learning German. Hugs to everyone, Bozena🤗