#TeatruRadiofonic #RobertLamoreux #ComisarulSiInaltaSocietate #TeatruAudio #TeatruVechi #TeatruOnline #MariActoriRomani #RaduBeligan Please support us to continue this project and to listen to new recordings that you cannot find on youtube with the great Romanian actors on / theater O crima misteriosa : Florence was brutally killed and discovered even by her lover, a counselor at the Public Works department and the owner of some businesses! Who will pay for this heinous crime? Who was able to kill with such bestiality? The commissioner must find the answer! Cast: Radu Beligan, Ion Marinescu, Valeria Gagialov, Constantin Dinulescu, Lucia Mureşan, Mircea Şeptilici, Ştefan Mihăilescu Brăila, Radu Iţcuş.