Mysteries and adventures This series was broadcast from 1946 to 1989, the adventures of detective Roland Durtal, Picoche and Commissioner Gallois were the highlights of Swiss Romande Radio. Actors: Roland Durtal: René Habib Commissioner Gallois: André Davier Picoche: Sacha Solnia Galabert: Adrien Nicati Marie: Claude Abran Listen to the masters of mystery 24/7 without ads on Mystère mystère Radio as a podcast, live or on Odysee. Mystère mystère Radio Place du Monteil 43120 Monistrol sur Loire www.mystere-mystere-radio.fr https://odysee.com/@MmRadio:d #culture #hauteloire #radiofilm #archive #audio #audiobook #entertainment #film #lesmaitresdumystère #brodcast #broadcasting #theatre #audiobook #series #sherlockholmes #nickcarter #audiofilm