Subscribe: / @crazycasagold Rich VS Poor VS Mega Rich In Prison! The rich, accustomed to luxury and private jets, now find themselves struggling with plastic trays and waiting for a shower. The poor, who always manages to survive, is surprisingly calm. Prison is just another tough chapter in their life. Meanwhile, the mega rich may own private islands, but in prison their billions and connections mean nothing. They can hire the best lawyers, but on the inside, they are just as powerless as everyone else. In the end, no amount of wealth can protect you behind bars. Prison doesn’t care if you’re rich or poor – it’s a place where everyone is treated equally. But how will the girls interact with each other? Find out in our new video: Rich VS Poor VS Mega Rich In Prison Real VS Fake Sister TikTok - / timtinfamily Popular playlists: Video about a family: • Video about a family. Video about school: • Video about school Video about relationships: • Video about relationships Video about animals: • Video about animals #Rich #Poor #MegaRich #CrazyCasaGold