Good morning friends! Today we make a peony from ribbons. For work you will need: ribbon width 5 cm, length 2.5 m 5 cm cardboard template scissors alcohol lamp glue gun a bundle of stamens You can make green leaves as you want them to be and like to do. Toning the flower can be done (or can not be done) with paints, or alcohol markers. I wish everyone a good creative mood! ******************************* Good morning, friends! Today we make a peony from ribbons. For work you will need: ribbon width 5 cm, length 2.5 m cardboard template 5 cm wide scissors alcohol lamp glue gun a bunch of stamens green leaves, you can make it, what you want to see and enjoy doing it. Flower tinting can be done (and can not be done) with paints, markers or alcohol. All good creative mood! ********************************** Добрый день, друзья! Сегодня делаем пион из лент. The works are given: length 5 cm, length 2.5 m cardboard блон шириной 5 см ножницы спиртовка клей-пистолет пучок тычинок Зеленые листья Вы можете сделать такими, какими хотите их деть и любите делать. Тонировку цветка можно сделать (а можно и не делать) любым доступным ля Вас способом. Всем настроения! #tutorial