The film published by Biały Kruk with the participation of priest professor Waldemar Chrostowski is a unique catechesis devoted to the Book of Isaiah, and in particular the Fourth Song of the Servant of the Lord. It is a deep, Christian look at the prophetic texts that find their fulfillment in the person of Jesus Christ. The priest professor, an outstanding theologian and biblical scholar, leads the viewer through the wealth of symbolism and prophecies contained in the Book of Isaiah, which for Christians are one of the most important testimonies of the announcement of the Messiah. #białykruk #chrostowski #książaizajasza More books by priest professor Waldemar Chrostowski from the Biały Kruk publishing house at https://bialykruk.pl/nasi-autorzy/ks-... The central point of the film is the Fourth Song of the Servant of the Lord - a text that has aroused theological reflection for centuries in both the Jewish and Christian traditions. For the Catholic Church, this Song is a clear announcement of the suffering, death and resurrection of Christ. The film shows how the prophet Isaiah describes in an extraordinary way the suffering Servant, who bears the sins of the people and through his humiliation and sacrifice brings salvation to the whole world. Father Chrostowski masterfully combines historical and theological perspectives, showing how Isaiah's prophecies take on full meaning in the New Testament. He explains that the suffering Servant is not just a symbol, but a specific figure of Jesus Christ, who voluntarily accepted suffering to redeem humanity. The film introduces the viewer to the depths of God's plan of salvation, reminding us that the suffering and death of Christ were not a coincidence, but the fulfillment of God's eternal plan of love for man. Thanks to the unique commentary of the priest professor, the film becomes not only a theological lecture, but also a spiritual meditation. It encourages reflection on one's own faith and to rediscover the message of the Book of Isaiah as the living and current word of God. This work is especially recommended for those seeking a deeper understanding of Holy Scripture and those who wish to explore the mystery of salvation in the context of Catholic tradition and spirituality.