AJ Christian is a Hungarian-born conscious being who has been teaching people seeking their path since the age of 15; his work consists of supporting the individual's awareness, experiencing the Present and boundless love. He undertook public appearances so that as many people as possible would have the chance to awaken, experience himself and freedom. Christian's online lectures are free and can be used freely, but since many of you have asked how his work could be financially supported, you can do so at the following link: http://ajchristian.hu/?p=1257 We thank you very much for your attention and financial support. Official Facebook page: / ajchristian.official YouTube channel: / @ajchristian_ajc Information, newsletter subscription: Vicente Leticia - [email protected] His published works so far: What Was God Looking for in My Living Room? (2003) What Was God Looking for in My Bedroom? (2004) The Look of Wholeness (2005) The Voice of Wholeness (2006) AJ Christian (Edited by Ervin Papp; 2006) TALEN (2006) The Smell of Wholeness (2007) Is It Only Women That Are Wrong? (2009) Is It Only Men That Are Wrong?! (2014) Mosaics of Love (2019)