This message recounts events from the book of Exodus, where God explains to Moses His intervention in hardening Pharaoh's heart. The purpose was to perform remarkable signs in Egypt, demonstrating divine supremacy and leaving a historical legacy for future generations of Hebrews. These signs would serve as a reminder of the uselessness of idolatrous gods in the land of Canaan. Follow our social networks, like 👍🏽 our videos and activate 🔔 notifications: YouTube: http://bit.ly/CanalPIPR Facebook: http://bit.ly/fb-PIPR Instagram: http://bit.ly/Instagram-PIPR Twitter: http://bit.ly/twitter-PIPR Contributions: PIX CNPJ: 11.558.061/0001-95 Bank: Itaú Agency: 1247 Account: 33375-8 #presbyterianchurch #pipr #gospel #faith #jesuschrist #liveworship #onlineworship #reformedfaith #ipb #egypt #moses #israel