The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim is a 2024 animated film directed by Kenji Kamiyama, released in Italy on January 1, 2025: Marco Lovisato interviewed for the occasion the director Kamiyama, Brian Cox, Gaia Wise and Laurence Ubong Williams who voiced some characters and the producer Philippa Boyens! #CineFacts Podcast: every week on Spotify and all podcast platforms! The acoustic treatment of our studio was created thanks to the panels of https://www.acustico.com/ which provides the best solutions to integrate design and functionality. ⬇️ COME VISIT US ON THE SITE! ⬇️ Reviews, Rankings, Columns on Cinema and TV Series! 🎥 🎬 https://www.cinefacts.it 🎥 🎬 😍 LOOK AT WHAT YOU GET BY SUPPORTING US 😍 Join the CineFacts Friends group! 😱 💃 🕺 https://bit.ly/3ALBkCd 🕺 💃 😱 ⬇️ LISTEN TO US ON SPOTIFY! ⬇️ The most listened to podcast about Cinema in Italy! 👂 https://spoti.fi/3AG5FlT 👂 ⬇️ FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ⬇️ ❤️ INSTAGRAM ➡️ / cinefacts.it 💙 FACEBOOK ➡️ / cinefacts 🖤 TIKTOK ➡️ / cinefacts.it ⬇️ NEVER MISS ANY NEWS ⬇️ The Telegram Channel is always updated! 🌐 https://t.me/cinefacts 🌐 ⬇️ DISCOVER THE FANTASTIC STORE ⬇️ T-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, shoes on Cinema and TV Series! 👕 👚 https://bit.ly/3g6RDAn 👚 👕 ⬇️ DISCOVER PROMOTIONS ON HOME VIDEO ⬇️ DVDs and Blu-rays on mega offer for your collection! 📀 https://amzn.to/32JCWjB 📀 ⬇️ DO YOU WANT TO WORK OR COLLABORATE WITH US? ⬇️ 💌 [email protected] 💌