Hey channel guys, how are you? We were called to remove this swarm from the coffee plantation, a small but very promising swarm. We found several queen cells that had already been born, they had no eggs or larvae, only eggs that were close to being born. We had a big surprise. We found a beautiful queen. We put her in the cage and put her inside the box. After a few minutes, we found another queen and put her in the box too. All the bees came in. We put the inverted awning screen so that all the bees could come in and took it to the apiary. Email: [email protected] Instagram: @juliano_abelha Postal Box: Juliano Rocha de Souza Cordeiro Zip Code: 29, 745-000. Bairro caixa d'água. Rua Valdemar ott, num. 144 São Domingos do Norte ES #capture #rescue #beginners #julianoabelha #apis #rescue #capture #katia #animal scientist #pollen #beekeeping #apiculture #bees #bees #honey #meliponario #animal science #honey #pollination #pollen #propolis #sustainability #biodiversity #capture #love #healthyfood #julianoabelha #apismellifera #apiary #apis #queen #princess #instagram #obstinacy #gratitude #god