Between chaos and rigodon, Jean-Luc Douchet and Julien Guéry will live and show all the highlights of this exceptional day up to the Cantate to Jean Bart. Emotion, atmosphere, and colors guaranteed in the Dunkirk Band! to see and re-see! All about the Carnival: https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.... Find us on our France 3 Hauts-de-France site: ▶ http://hdf.france3.fr/ On Facebook: ▶ / france3nordpasdecalais ▶ / france3picardie On Twitter: ▶ / f3nord ▶ / f3picardie Download the France 3 Regions application: ▶ http://bit.ly/1FPo7Ga Subscribe to our Youtube channel: ▶ / france3nord