1. How wonderful, how holy you are, my Lord, How worthy of worship! /: When you are called, you always come down to us And no matter how difficult the wilderness is, You do not leave us alone when the climb is difficult And you come with salvation. :/ 2. How wonderful, how holy you are, my Lord, the Source of love! /: From lost children, strangers to God, With your precious and holy blood, You have delivered us from under the heavy curse, We bring you thanks! :/ 3. How wonderful, how holy you are, my Lord, In glory you are King! /: Until up there, We will praise you even in difficulty, On the altar of life we will always sacrifice Our life, for God, This we will choose! :/ 4. How wonderful, how holy you are, my Lord, We miss you, we miss you! /: With fire in our hearts, We always wait for You, Oh, come, dear Jesus, my Bridegroom! Let us be forever in Your heaven, Let us always be with You! :/