Hi! Tonight here is the removal of a rear brake caliper and its complete overhaul! I'll give you the link if you need to do the front on your motorcycle: • overhaul of a front brake caliper ... In order: 1- protect its caliper (rim) from brake fluid leaks with a cloth 2- unscrew the banjo screw 3- remove the caliper like a brake pad change 4- do an initial cleaning of your caliper 5- if compressor method: plug the hole of the banjo screw with the front fixing screw of the front brake caliper or use a suitable screw. Then remove your bleeder screw. Inflate 7 bars into the bleeder screw (put on glasses). Remove your piston. Be careful if this method does not work: Bleed your rear brake quickly, here is a link to do it with a syringe: • Bleed your front motorcycle brakes quickly ... And you remove your piston this way. 6- Remove your two seals (dust cover and the other) 7- Thoroughly clean the seal housings without making any scratches in the piston housing 8- If necessary, you can sand your piston with 1000 grit if it is too marked 9- Grease your seals then install 10- Grease your piston then push it in without forcing too much, it should go through by itself. For assembly, in my case I was able to mount it in both directions. 11- Remove the excess grease 12- Replace your bleed screw 13- Replace your caliper to a tightening torque of around 25 Newmeters. 14- Replace your banjo fitting with new seals!! And tighten to between 16-19 Newmeters 15- Bleed your brakes: • Bleed your front motorcycle brakes quickly... or • Bleed your front motorcycle brakes from A to Z! WARNING! Before going for a ride, test your brakes and check for leaks :) See you soon!! Sorry for posting only now. I've returned to my full-time job as an IADE. Thanks again!! BYE!!