Recently, more and more clients come to the company Avtopodbor Dnepr with the desire to buy a car of the Renault concern. The most popular products of this brand are most often desired with a 1.5 dci diesel engine (k9k). Our auto expert, who has selected similar cars in Ukraine hundreds of times, will tell you about the main problems. Checking such a French car in Dnepr is a routine matter, since we carry out such inspections dozens of times a week. Subscribe to our resources: / auto.podbor.dnepr https://vk.com/podbor_in_dp / _podbor_auto_dnepr_ Have you decided to buy a car in Ukraine and have questions? Auto experts of the company Avtopodbor Dnepr will be happy to help you. Our contacts: 0950856442 0636814412 Videographer services: https://victoria-k.of.ua http://www.victoria-k.io.ua #Auto_Selection_Ukraine #Renault #auto_check_Dnepr #k9k #Auto_expertDnepr