This video is powered by Voteone, a social media platform where visionaries discuss ideas and offer solutions for a livable world: https://voteone.com/ - Australia is burning. The fires have been going on for months, region by region. An Australian news agency reported the following on June 26, 2019. The news says that the fire season in Australia has started earlier than expected. When we look at the details, we see that scientists have been saying that drought has been increasing and rainfall has decreased since 2008, and that this year's fires could be more severe than ever. 7 months have passed and the fires are raging more than ever. The fires are still at red alert level in 6 different places. The smoke is so thick and dense that it can even be seen from space. This smoke has crossed the Pacific Ocean and started to pollute the air of South America, thousands of kilometers away. At least 30 people have died so far and according to an estimate by scientists from the University of Sydney, nearly 1 billion animals have been affected by the fires. 18.6 million hectares of land have been burned. Do you know how big an area this is? Take the 6 largest cities in Turkey on a map. Draw a line between them. Imagine that everything inside the resulting shape is burned. We are talking about such a big event. Such forest fires can be seen in many parts of the world. In fact, since this happens regularly in Australia, we talk about the “forest and bush fire season”. However, this is the first time the modern world has seen a fire of this magnitude. Very large fires also occur in Canada and Siberia, but since these fires occur in areas where people and animals live, their effects are felt much more deeply.