The draft budget for 2024 proposes to limit Chernobyl payments to the minimum wage of UAH 1,600, as the estimated amount for payments made by court order. Correspondents of Suspilny went to the Ovrut community to find out how reducing the amount of “Chernobyl” payments will affect the situation in the community. ___________________ Subscribe and press 🔔 to receive notifications about new videos and broadcasts Read news here: https://suspilne.media/regions/zhytom... We are on Telegram: https://t.me/suspilnezhytomyr We are on Facebook: / suspilne.zhytomyr We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suspilne.zh... Join the community on Viber: https://bit.ly/2ZoOX8F Audience interaction policy on Suspilne's digital platforms: https://bit.ly/3dizhMn ---------------- Branch website: https://zt.suspilne.media/ Read everything about Suspilne here: https://corp.suspilne.media/