Go and apply for a Youth SberCard with a limited design: https://s.sber.ru/tZQlnZ That same video with Alisa and Kolya from the film "One Hundred Years Ago": https://vk.cc/cxOPxm Hello everyone! With you MILANA NEKRASOVA and this is my new show with a PSYCHOLOGIST, which is called RED FLAG, where we analyze LETTERS FROM SUBSCRIBERS. We discussed GUYS, GIRLFRIENDS and what RED FLAGS there are in relationships with them. Milana Nekrasova: VK - https://vk.com/milana_nekrasova2008 Like - https://likee.com/@milana_nekrasova/?... Telegram - https://t.me/milashkina_nekrasova Psychologist Diana - https://t.me/nesti_sebya For advertising/cooperation: [email protected] #Nekrasova #tsuef #RedFlag