It's not just narcissistic people who know no boundaries when it comes to manipulating other people. Don't put up with it! Here's how to recognize and protect yourself from fifteen of the most common manipulation techniques. #narcissism #narcissists #understandingnarcissism #narcissist #psychology 40 signs that you are dealing with a narcissist - • 40 signs to recognize narcissists More videos on the topic of narcissism and narcissists - • Narcissism and narcissists Help: Coaching & advice - https://www.karstennoack.de/narzisste... Therapy - https://noack-therapie.de/therapie-be... Articles on other topics are now on their own channels: Homepage - https://www.karstennoack.de Profile - https://www.karstennoack.de/karsten-n... Twitter - / karstennoack Instagram - / karstennoack YouTube channel: Better living - / @gutesleben YouTube channel: Protection from toxic contemporaries - / @karsten-noack Fears and anxiety disorders - / @aengste English: Help for people suffering from narcissists - / @karstennoack 0:00 Recognizing manipulation techniques 1:51 What to do? 2:46 What manipulation techniques are there? 3:19 The principle of reciprocity (reciprocity rule) 4:18 Consequences 5:38 Exclusivity / scarcity 6:56 The persistence trap 8:56 Herd instinct 10:14 Double bonds 11:47 Friendship trick 12:55 The authority trap 15:14 Repetition 15:54 Examples 16:14 Emotional tricks 17:09 Selective information 18:13 Micromanipulations 19:13 The killer phrases 19:55 The fear trap 20:50 Confusion techniques 21:28 General statements and generalizations