An audio play based on the 1924 short story by Arthur Conan Doyle Recorded in 1994 The Adventure of the Illustrious Client Other titles: The Illustrious Client The Illustrious Client The Important Client The Influential Client The Adventure of the Illustrious Client The Adventure of the High-Born Client A young aristocrat is about to marry a German murderous baron, and her influential anonymous friend hires Holmes to stop her from doing something stupid. 0:00:00 ➫ FAMOUS CLIENT ✧ Radio play ✧ Detective ✧ Part 1 0:27:42 ➫ FAMOUS CLIENT ✧ Radio play ✧ Detective ✧ Part 2 Characters and performers: Sherlock Holmes - Vyacheslav Shalevich Doctor Watson - Alexey Borzunov Baron Gruner - Yuri Smirnov And also artists of Moscow theaters Editor - E. Sheveleva Telegram https://t.me/teatrvkarmane YouTube / @teatrvkarmane Zen https://dzen.ru/teatrvkarmane RUTUBE https://rutube.ru/channel/23695804 VKontakte https://vk.com/teatr_vkarmane Support the channel: ЮMoney https://yoomoney.ru/to/410012217365056 DonationAlerts https://www.donationalerts.com/r/teat... Donate.Stream https://donate.stream/teatrvkarmane Bitcoin (BTC) 1MTvxSp21jGbHqXG9vxxQ29bS9iXNBwepj Ethereum (ETH) 0x12799AdB925aAB40c6d108282aFdCeF0D429066B Toncoin (TON) UQBa9CYc3uetMzK-n2IvIQWV95kHd92Zim9xobmjcAq164u6 Tether ERC20 (USDT) 0xdfD32E9bf4Aa1018E9061306ff0e5e8C9bB0A96D Listen to the best radio plays online for free • Radio plays Subscribe to stay up to date with new radio plays, audio plays and radio productions / @teatrvkarmane #Radio plays #Audio plays #Radio plays #Radio theater #BestRadio plays #Radio playsListenFree #Radio playsOnline #TheaterInPocket🎭 #Detective #ListenDetectives #Radio playsDetectives #SherlockHolmes #AlexeyBorzunov #VyacheslavShalevich #ArthurConanDoyle #bestradio plays #radio playsdetectives #radio playsonline