In this vlogcast I go to The Harbour Club in Vinkeveen for a big interview for Nieuwe Revu and an article in Party. Rachel Hazes arrives with her boyfriend Klaas Otto and together they give their first camera interview as a couple. Unfortunately, this love was not destined to last long. After coffee Klaas leaves and I continue talking to Rachel about the most terrible period of her life: in 2017 everything had become so black that she wanted to take her own life. We also talk about the book she is writing, about the broken contact with her daughter Roxeanne, about quitting smoking and about standing up straight despite a lot of criticism. For the sake of lightness I have brought a bowl with objects to which a question is linked and Rachel explains to me on a beach bed the meaning of some real Rotterdam expressions. I would love it if you subscribe (for free) to my channel. Are you already following Rachel Hazes, Nieuwe Revu and me on Instagram? Rachel Hazes: / rachelhazes New Revue: / newrevu Andries Jelle de Jong: / andriesjelledejong