On this occasion, Pastor Andrés Corson continues in the series of Prayer, the point to be discussed this time will be the one found in Matthew 6:16: Forgive us our sins. This is step number six of the Lord's Prayer model. First of all, it is essential that we are clear that we can approach God NOT by our works but by grace. We can confidently enter the throne of God thanks to the work of Jesus on the cross (grace) Hebrews 4:16 Before knowing about forgiveness, we must understand the grace of God, but then, what is the grace of God? 1. Grace is that despite our sin we are still children of God. 2. Grace is what gives us security of our salvation 1 John 5:13 3. Grace is what gives us the confidence to approach God despite having sinned Luke 15:20, Psalm 103: 8-14 4. Grace is what makes us aware of our sin, but without feeling guilty Romans 8:1 • The work of the Holy Spirit brings conviction of sin and consequently repentance 2 Corinthians 7:10 • The work of the enemy brings guilt and accusation. So why should we ask for forgiveness for our sins if we have already been forgiven by Jesus? Ephesians 1:7 Grace is not impunity for our actions, but it frees us from sin and grace leads us to stop sinning. Grace not only made us holy, but God’s grace continues to sanctify us. Before we meet God on his throne we must stop for a moment and ask for forgiveness. We need to ask for forgiveness for our sins daily James 4:8-10, Acts 3:19, 2 Corinthians 7:1, 2 Timothy 2:19, Ephesians 4:22 Misconceptions about repentance or forgiveness 1) Some believe that when they sin they stop being saved, but that is not the case, grace deals with precisely that, when we sin we do not stop being saved because of grace (work of Jesus on the cross). But what sin can do is bring us guilt and condemnation that will lead us to stop believing in God and in this way lose our salvation. 2) Others believe that we need another person to have absolution of our sins, but in Romans 5:8 and Colossians 2:14 God shows us otherwise. 3) Another misconception is that we need to pay penances to purge our sins (flagellation, prayers, etc.), but if we do these kinds of things we are despising the work of Jesus on the cross, we would not be believing in his power. Based on all of the above, then, why should we ask for forgiveness for our sins? 1. Because our bad actions (sins) caused God pain. 2. We do not confess our sins to recover our salvation, but to restore our relationship with God. 1 John 1:6 3. Sin prevents our prayers from being answered Psalm 66:18 4. It is the way in which we are recognizing that our action is not pleasing to God. 5. We confess our sins to prosper Proverbs 18:13 6. To take away the right of Satan and demons to get into our lives. 7. To break the curse that may be upon us or upon our life because of our sins Subscribe to our channel to receive a new video in your feed: http://goo.gl/EpjsX If you want to know more about the Church The Place of His Presence and His Presence visit our website http://www.supresencia.com and our official channel on youtube / supresencia . Facebook of the Church The Place of His Presence: / el.lugar.de.su.presencia Facebook of the Praise Team: / ministerio.supresencia Twitter: @SuPresenciaIgle @SuPresencia Remember to use our hashtag for both Instagram and Twitter #SuPresencia