Elementary school habits determine middle and high school / Make sure to keep this in mind Top students grew up hearing mainly 'this' from their parents / A message from a 17-year college entrance exam expert to elementary school moms Editor-in-Chief Bang Jong-im of Education Reporter TV, who left many insights on study habits and study emotions on our last appearance at the Childcare Research Institute. Today, we are here with the editor-in-chief's comprehensive video. The secrets of education (?!) realized by interviewing over a thousand education experts. I hope this will be helpful to many people:) #ReporterTV #BangJong-im #CollegeEntranceExam 00:00 Intro 01:56 Why parents of elementary school students need to know about the college entrance exam 04:28 Do top students really focus on studying Korean, English, and math? 06:53 Two things to emphasize in particular when it comes to your child's learning 09:41 Two things to make your child adapt well to change 13:45 The importance of elementary school habits that determine the middle and high school period 15:52 Establishing elementary school children's study habits 17:33 Tips for establishing elementary school children's lifestyle habits 20:24 What do top students have in common? 23:02 Children who cannot endure failure and give up 24:37 Parents' attitudes that help their children overcome failure 26:24 How are parents of students who got perfect scores on the CSAT different? 28:03 How to make private education wise 33:18 Final words