The guest of the podcast is clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, writer, actor and musician Petr Knotek, known under the nickname Pjér la Šé'z. He studied psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University and subsequently worked as a teacher. He runs a private psychotherapy practice, lectures and performs together with Jaroslav Dušek in the well-known performance Four Agreements, but also in Little Visit. He plays bass and Spanish guitar, sings and writes lyrics. In the interview with Pjér la Šé'z, we mainly deal with the topic of creativity in psychotherapy, which is essential for the treatment of the soul from a certain point, if we want to achieve an authentic and fulfilling life. That is, not only a life without "pathological symptoms" and "negative behavior patterns". The soul often speaks to us through dreams, which for Pierre la Sé'z are valuable material in psychotherapeutic work. And an important tool of creativity in psychotherapy, which is the method of active imagination introduced by CG Jung, which we also talk about in the podcast, is related to dream content. In the end, anxiety can also be treated in a creative way in therapy, which does not have to be just an internal pain that needs to be primarily suppressed. Links: Website of Pjér la Šé'z http://www.pjer.cz Books of Pjér la Šé'z https://www.modrabrana.cz Divadlo Kampa https://www.divadlokampa.cz / divadlokampa