"The Blue Folder" is the fifth joint documentary film by the Berlin studio Narra and the independent journalists' cooperative "Bereg". It is dedicated to the Strugatsky brothers, cult Soviet writers who are still incredibly popular and relevant in Russia. People lined up for the Strugatskys' books in the USSR, and magazines with their stories were resold on the black market. The brothers were not dissidents: they began their writing careers as convinced communists; the world of the future they described was a world of communist utopia. It is all the more surprising that their entire creative biography was a fierce fight against censorship. Which they lost. Roman Shtyl-Bitynsh, author of the film about the Strugatsky brothers: "Arkady and Boris Strugatsky are the most important Soviet writers who helped more than one generation of readers escape (even if only mentally) from the dreary Soviet present into an amazing future. But the main thing is that their books did not let us forget about the philosophical questions that each of us faces in real life, and encouraged us to look for answers to them. The writers who were in demand half a century ago, in Soviet times, are still needed today, they are read, they have many fans. But if you want to watch a film about the Strugatskys, you will find almost nothing - there is very little video footage about them. Meanwhile, the life of the Strugatskys seems to answer the question of whether an adult is capable of changing, admitting mistakes and becoming better. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to fit their life and books into the framework of an hour-long film, both simplifications and cuts are inevitable. Therefore, this film is not a biopic. Our film tells only one side of the Strugatskys' lives. It is about the writers' struggle with Soviet censorship for their books. Sometimes this struggle was successful, sometimes they had to compromise, sometimes they simply refused to fight. But half a century later, we still read the brothers - which means they won after all. We defeated the censors. We defeated time and space." Narra Studio https://narra.to/ Journalists' cooperative "Bereg" https://bereg.io/ Film about Tamara Morshchakova • "Minority Opinion". Biography of Judge Tamara... Film about Roman Abramovich • "Abramovich Collection". Biography of Rom... Film about Nikita Mikhalkov • "Son". A true biography of Nikita... Film about Valeria Novodvorskaya • "White Coat". The first biography of Novo...