On December 18, a court hearing was held in the Korolyov District Court of Zhytomyr in the case of the so-called “Korostyshiv racketeers.” They are accused of murder and extortion. Relatives of the accused did not let the film crew into the courtroom. Two people used physical force against a Suspilny correspondent, pushing and grabbing her by the arms. The correspondents called the police to the scene. ___________________ Subscribe and click 🔔 to receive notifications about new videos and broadcasts Read news here: https://suspilne.media/regions/zhytom... We are on Telegram: https://t.me/suspilnezhytomyr We are on Facebook: / suspilne.zhytomyr We are on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suspilne.zh... Join the community on Viber: https://bit.ly/2ZoOX8F Audience interaction policy on Suspilne's digital platforms: https://bit.ly/3dizhMn ---------------- Branch website: https://zt.suspilne.media/ Read everything about Suspilne here: https://corp.suspilne.media/ #suspilnezhytomyr #SuspilneZhytomyr