“Son” is the second documentary film produced by the Berlin-based Narra studio in collaboration with the independent journalists’ cooperative “Bereg.” It is “an uninvented biography of Nikita Mikhalkov” — the story of one of Russia’s most famous directors (and one of the public’s most beloved actors), told impartially — that is, not from Mikhalkov’s own words. Meduza is publishing the film with the kind permission of the authors. The famous Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky dynasty was headed by Sergei Mikhalkov in Soviet times, a legendary children’s poet, functionary, and author of national anthems. In the new Russia, his youngest son Nikita has taken over. He began acting in films as a teenager. At 18, he played the lead role in Georgy Daneliya’s film “I Walk the Streets of Moscow.” At 28, he released his first film, “A Stranger Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own.” In 1994, his “Burnt by the Sun” won an Oscar. Nowadays, Mikhalkov hardly ever films or acts in films. The director's achievements in cinema pale in comparison to his propaganda activities and passion for the most outrageous conspiracy theories. Mikhalkov loves to perform and give interviews; he has published several books about himself. But upon closer examination, much of what he says turns out to be distorted, unsaid, or made up. Both Nikita and his father Sergei are great mythmakers, and they invent the most beautiful myths about themselves. The film's author, Igor Sadreyev: "In this film, I was looking for an answer to the question of why Mikhalkov, a beloved actor and director, turned into a demon exorcist. A nuclear mixture of a calculating propagandist and a dense conspiracy theorist - in the shell of a televangelist who lapses into pathos even when talking about fried potatoes. The war between Russia and Ukraine has further highlighted this essence of his." Narra Studio https://narra.to/ Journalists' cooperative "Bereg" https://bereg.io/ Film about Valeria Novodvorskaya • "White Coat". The first biography of Novo... Corrections. Dear viewers! The film "Son" claims that during the "gun carriage race" in the 1980s, Dmitry Ustinov was the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Of course, this is a mistake. In fact, he was the Minister of Defense. Ustinov died in 1984. And in 1985, Konstantin Ustinovich Chernenko, who was the General Secretary, died. Probably, the similarity of the surname Ustinov with the patronymic Ustinovich led to this mistake. Sorry!