The six members of JO1, Takumi Kawanishi, Shoya Kimata, and Aomi Kinjo, who appear in the currently-showing movie "Run for Money THE MOVIE," and FANTASTICS, Taiki Sato, Sota Nakajima, and Reiya Seguchi, experienced the "Run for Money" booth at "Odaiba Adventure King 2024." They signed autographs on the walls and exhibits for the visitors who came to visit, and played a game of Daruma Drop against other groups, but for some reason, it turned into a battle of wits...!? #jo1 #fantastics …………………………………………………………………………………… #Mezamashimedia is a new entertainment web media produced by information programs such as #FujiTV's #MezamashiTV. Here it is💁♀️https://mezamashi.media / @mezamashimedia Please subscribe to our channel🌈 / mezamashimedia will deliver the latest information🤲 / mezamashimedia Please follow us🥺 ……………………………………………………………………………………