The latest Gundam series, "Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX (Zeke Axe)" khara x Sunrise Dreams intersect. Ahead of the broadcast of the TV series, some episodes have been reconstructed for theatrical screening in "Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuX (Zeke Axe) -Beginning-" will be released on Friday, January 17, 2025! Theater information: https://www.gundam.info/feature/gquuu... In addition, it will be the first Gundam series to be screened in IMAX®! Official website: https://www.gundam.info/feature/gquuu... Official X (old Twitter): https://x.com/G_GQuuuuuX #Gundam #GQuuuuuuX #Zeke Axe #Gundam