Ride on the longest night line in Bydgoszcz on its basic version - the longest run is extended to Podkowa, where the number of stops is around 60. It is also the longest line among all in Bydgoszcz. Served daily by 3 teams - unlike 32N, solo buses also run on it on weekends and then it is quite crowded. It stops at three depots in the city - a bus depot on Mokra Street and tram depots on Toruńska Street and in Łoskoń. This is another record for this line. The ride is carried out on the best (the most well-maintained thanks to the owner) and at the same time the oldest of the two 12-meter buses in Bydgoszcz. The buses were purchased in 2007 along with nine of their articulated counterparts. Only the high articulated Conecto G buses from 2006 and 2007 are older, which will be withdrawn in April this year after the delivery of new Conectos. In short - the latest generation of Conecto will withdraw the oldest. There are seven night buses in Bydgoszcz - all of them are bus and meet at Plac Kościeleckich always 15 minutes after the hour. Traffic Supervision watches over the possibility of transferring in each direction. Apart from the airport line 37N, you can transfer to any other night bus every hour. There are also plans to launch the first night suburban line 38N and that all the way to Koronowo - a town near Bydgoszcz, where public transport does not reach at all for now. In general, night transport in Bydgoszcz can be assessed quite well, the advantages include a well-arranged network of connections, quite good frequency and regularity of connections and the provision of transfers, and the disadvantages are the lack of stops on demand (or rather the lack of their official obligation, without pressing most drivers simply will not stop) and strange travel times (on some sections too little time, and on others much too much). There is practically nothing to complain about, and only praise for the organizer. 31N Leśne - Łoskoń Railway Station 1. Leśne Railway Station 2. Leśne 3. Sułkowskiego/Czerkaska 4. Gdańska/Powstanieńców Warszawy 5. Gdańska/Artyleryjska 6. Gdańska/Chodkiewicza 7. Hetmańska/Kaszubska 8. Main Railway Station 9. Garbary 10. Teatralny Square 11. Jagiellonów Roundabout 12. Kościeleckich Square 13. Kujawskie Roundabout 14. Wolności Hill 15. Wojska Polskiego/Ujejskiego 16. Wojska Polskiego/Footbridge 17. Magnuszewska/Modrakowa 18. Glinki/Dąbrowa 19. Glinki/Zajęcza 20. Glinki/Szpitalna 21. Szpitalna/Łomżyńska 22. Wojska Polskiego/Szare Szeregi 23. Wojska Polish/6-Year Plan 24. Polish Army/Baczyński 25. Kapuściska 26. Mokra 27. Dachtery/Chemiczna NŻ 28. Kielecka/Smolensk NŻ 29. Kielecka/Toruńska 30. Toruńska/Równa 31. Toruńska/Tram Depot 32. Dworzec Wschód 33. Fordońska/Sochaczewska 34. Fordońska/Wiślana 35. Rejewskiego/Auchan 36. Oncology Center 37. Przylesie 38. Akademicka/Kaliskiego 39. Akademicka/Igrzykowa 40. Andersa/Kleeberga 41. Bajka 42. Andersa/Kasztelańska 43. Andersa/Wolna 44. Niepodległości 45. Piłsudskiego/Swobodna 46. Nad Wisłą 47. Bora-Komorowskiego/Kiedrowskiego 48. Bora-Komorowskiego/Gieryna 49. Bora-Komorowskiego/Bażańskich Brothers 50. Łoskoń