This podcast is for professionals who want to start corporate governance in their company! Send your questions or comments via WhatsApp or Telegram to the number: (43) 9 9822-0077, or by email: [email protected] Topic: How to start corporate governance in your company? Governance: many people don't know about it or think it's only for large companies. What can you say about it? In short, governing is different from managing. Governing has more to do with structured processes, where we look at the company's direction and ensure that it is controlled and within limits (ethics, compliance, risks). However, the governors and shareholders need to make decisions about very important but not urgent things (since they meet sporadically). They see things that are procrastinated, so strategy, company health, leadership issues, performance, succession are natural topics that go to the board to decide. Management is part of the day-to-day, implementing all plans, executing tactics and seeking the effectiveness and efficiency of internal processes, while governance focuses more on long-term objectives, creating value. When we think of organizations that need governance, there is a false idea that it is only for large and publicly traded companies (these are required by law) while privately held companies and startups are not required to have it. Governance helps in the process of direction and management to better prepare for the challenges of everyday life. What is the true value and return brought by Corporate Governance? In short, it has monetary and non-monetary values (which are the consequence of good application). The first value we see is discipline, there are many companies that work in an undisciplined way, being more reactive. With discipline, we have a reactive and proactive company, also bringing the benefit of maintaining a value creation mindset (how much the company is worth, what it needs to create a path to increase this value, creating value for stakeholders). Governance does not depend on hierarchy, it is an improvement in organizational structure. Do you need a board of directors to have governance? I can tell you right away that a board of directors is not necessary. There may be an advisory board, an external mentor with an evolution model until a more mature/robust model arrives. The board of directors is listed in the company's articles of association as a decision-making and deliberative body. The advisory board plays a role similar to that of the administration, but is not listed as a deliberative body. It helps in the decision-making process, decisions that are signed and corroborated by those who have the right to sign for the company. In short, it is possible to implement corporate governance in any company, and there is a whole path to be built to find a model that best adapts to the present and always knowing where you want to go. Are there preconditions for a company to start? Yes, some. First of all, its main shareholders need to want it, and even then there are still some unconscious boycotts. They need to want it and believe that they will have good results. Therefore, this depends a lot on the level of knowledge and awareness of each shareholder. Documentary preparation is also necessary in the company's structure. What are the main steps to implementing Corporate Governance? Above all, having the knowledge and understanding of how governance works, having the will and willingness to help with the structuring and doing it professionally, with professionals who will act in the best way possible, without being limited by costs. In your experience, what do Business Owners say after 3 to 5 years of implementing their Boards? “Why didn’t I do this before?” Since they can see so many benefits with fantastic and real results. Their limitations are not only in terms of skills, they can also be emotional, and when governance impacts these aspects, companies see that it is really worth it. Follow us on social media: Instagram: Forlogic: / grupoforlogic Jeison: / jeisonab Monise: / monisecarla Facebook: Forlogic: / forlogic Qualiex: / qualiex Linkedin: Forlogic: / mycompany Qualiex: / qualiex-gestao-da-qualidade-e-excelencia Jeison: / jeisonab Monise: / monise-carla-bueno Check out our content on Quality and Metrology: Quality Blog: https://blogdaqualidade.com.br/ Metrology Blog: https://blogdametrologia.com.br/ Discover our solutions that will facilitate the management of your company: Qualiex: https://qualiex.com/ Metroex: https://metroex.com.br/