A mega DCTI auction will take place and more than 500 cars will be auctioned. It is an excellent opportunity for you who are looking for a cheap car for you, your children, to work or even sell and make some extra income. Interested? The auction was divided into two events within the site, I put them separately here to make it easier for you: Auction on 11/23: https://bit.ly/dcti-23-11 Auction on 11/24: https://bit.ly/dcti-24-11 ➡ List with 800 official auction sites in Brazil: https://hotm.art/listadeleiloes-yt ➡ Lucrative Auction Course: https://hotm.art/leilaolucrativo-yt ➡ Annual access to the auction schedule (organized by date, location and type of auction): https://hotm.art/agendadeleiloes-yt Follow me on Instagram: / loucoporleiloes Check out my website ⬇ https://loucoporleiloes.com.br/