From now on, I will show you the first start of the pyramid game Kim Ji-yeon X Jang Da-ah X Ryu Da-in X Shin Seul-gi X Kang Na-eon The first script reading site of the five main characters of the pyramid game 🎬 Survival ranking war [Pyramid Game] TVING Exclusive release on February 29th Go to TVING: https://tving.onelink.me/xHqC/1646c09f #PyramidGame #Tving #TVING #ExclusiveReleaseOnFebruary29th #Survivalrankingwar #Bullyingvote #BaekyeonGirlsHighSchool #2ndYearClass5 #KimJi-yeon #JangDaA #RyuDaIn #ShinSeulGi #KangNaEon