Uncover the Meaning of Letters A to Z of a Person's Name. Mazensa's friend. A name given by parents must have a good meaning. However, there is a mystery of the meaning of the initial letters, which will reveal a person's personality. Every parent gives a name to their child, wanting the child to become a useful and successful person, according to the meaning of the name. However, here what we want to convey is not the meaning of your name, but the meaning or significance of the first letter of a name. Where each initial letter of a person's name has a very big meaning and significance, in every journey in his life. The first letter of a person's name can describe some of the traits and characters of that person. Judging from the calculation of numerology, it turns out that a name can provide good information, about oneself and others. A name can also help us to know a person's character, personality, nature, and nature. including the good and bad of the journey of life in the future. The numeric value of a name affects the development of aspects of a person's personal and professional life. Mazensa's friend. Let's see together what the meaning of the first letter of our names is. #mazensa #meaning of names #meaning of letters