Hi Guys! Back again on the HAS Creative Channel, in the Coffee Shop Podcast (PWK) program. In this episode, PWK is visited by a comedian who is closely associated with his ngondek persona to the point of often being teased by office men, this is the actor who plays Naryo in the film Cek Toko Sebelah, Yusril Fahriza. In this chat, Yusril Fahriza shares many stories, starting from DMs sent by office men who like to make him a b4col to his story of almost dying because of soto and being arrested by the BNN because of soto, how is that possible? Watch the full version only on HAS Creative PWK – WHAT'S WRONG WITH YUSRIL AND MLI? #YusrilFahriza #PrazTeguh #pwk For purchasing Official Merchandise Has Creative: Shopee Link Tokopedia Link https://www.tokopedia.com/tokonyayanti Also visit our social media channels: Instagram: / hascreativeid Twitter: / hascreativeid Tiktok: https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSJ4ys1UU #entertainment #PWK #milenial #fun For business inquiries, please contact: +62 813-6681-1168 [email protected]