Watch and discuss Vladimir Putin's final press conference live. Hosts Tikhon Dzyadko and Anna Mongait. 🎄Subscribe to regular donations to Dozhd and get a postcard from the host for the New Year: ___________________________ 👉 How women are abused in hospitals for wanting to have an abortion: • Women are abused in hospitals, ... 👉 The third episode of the program "SILENT rock and roll" about the split in the scene in 2014: • Vakarchuk, Makarevich, Arbenina. How the m... 👉 Watch the talk show "What to do?" Topic of the issue: church and power: • Why the patriarch supported Putin and ... 🚀 YouTube accelerator from Dozhd: 🙏 Buy on, iHerb, Skyscanner, ASOS and our other partners - this way you will support Dozhd: ___________________________ ❗️Download our app to watch Dozhd if YouTube is blocked or slowed down: And if you are in Russia, be sure to subscribe to our social networks: • Telegram: • Instagram: / tvrain • Twitter (X): / tvrain ___________________________ You can send us news, call on air, send a donation or buy advertising on Dozhd through our telegram bot You can also contact us safely by email [email protected]. Write about what is happening in your region so that we can talk about it on air. ___________________________ #news #russia #putin Program: Special broadcast Type: full edition Hosts: Dzyadko, Mongait