The best moments from the Recrent stream. Highlights for the games PUBG, PUBG, Valorant, Warzone, Apex, Finals, Tarkov, Fortnite, CS 2. Cuts of victories from ranked battle royale PUBG in solo, duo and squads. We punish stream snipers, talk about new updates, settings and tournaments. Cybercutlet recrent YouTube channel, he is also a cyber sportsman, he is simply Dmitry. Time codes: 00:00 Game code copied from Tarkov 00:20 One shot one kill 01:07 Newbie PMC 01:46 Fast zoom pogU 03:09 Recrent is being let go 03:52 Second round, keep ammo in the hole 04:52 Triple kill (farm bots) 08:01 Fight with raid boss 14:59 Third round game vs. fight against players at once 18:24 Fourth round, Berger ate 23:15 Fifth round 24:20 double kill 25:11 stable 27:40 Preview, beautifully let go 30:36 Scared #recrent #recrent #arenabreakout Streams here twitch.tv/recrent Cooperation [email protected]