Publishing your own book is not always that easy. We have the option of self-publishing with the help of Amazon KDP and large publishers. But what is right for us? It depends on what is important to you personally. Would you rather decide everything yourself or would you like to have as little work as possible with the whole thing? Would you like to bring the book onto the market quickly with Amazon KDP or would you rather send it to many publishers for inspection before it is accepted? There are many questions and many options available to us in the publishing industry. Here you can find some clarity about which path is right for you. Free invoice template for your accounting to download https://www.freiheitsliebeleben.de/ko... Make a non-binding coaching request https://www.freiheitsliebeleben.de/co... Instagram: / alexandraonken My channels: Freedom love live: / freiheitsliebeleben Outdoor love: / @alexandrasoutdoorliebe About Loving inspiration for your self-employment. It's easier than ever. Anyone can become self-employed today. How do you go about it and how do you position yourself on the Internet? Which social media platforms are suitable for you and which are less suitable? Anyone who starts self-employment wants to be happy for a long time. That's why we talk about social media, smart, stress-free work, growth, creativity, content creation, SEO, marketing, motivation and productivity, but also personal development and our society, as well as many tips and tricks for easier working from home. We all want to run a successful business that is fun. That's why we have weekly tips and motivation here on how you can properly brand your online self-employment and run it successfully in the long term, as well as earn money with it, without losing the fun and motivation. Website https://www.freiheitsliebeleben.de/ Contact https://www.freiheitsliebeleben.de/co... Imprint https://www.freiheitsliebeleben.de/ #selfpublishing #publishbook #becomeauthor