ProfilDoors. Hidden doors 2400 high. High-quality doors from the ProfilDoors factory. Necessary conditions for the correct installation of hidden doors: 1. - floor readiness (floors must have a finishing coating and level), 2. - evenness of the walls (walls must be prepared, plastered according to level and putty). 3. - the correct size of the opening (if in height from the finished floor +60 mm, in width +100 mm (for direct opening) and +120 mm for reverse). The rest is a matter of professionalism of the master in installing doors. Watch the full video on my telegram channel - t.me/dveripenza ♺ Main YouTube channel: "Dmitry Postovalov - door installation and more..." ♺ SOCIAL NETWORKS: ° VKontakte (VK) page: https://vk.com/lionidbox ° Telegram: t.me/dveripenza ° INSTAGRAM: / dveripenzap. . ♺ CONTACT: tel. 89273824582 Whatsapp, viber ♺ TAGS: #doorinstallationinpenza #postovalovdmitry #professionaldoorinstallation #doorinstallation #baseboardinstallation #doorinstallationinapartment #doorinstallationbook #doorinstallationcompartment #dveripenzapostovalov #PenzaDoors #89273824582 #Profildoors #profildoors #hiddenDoors #hiddenDoors #sicretdoor