Simple construction of trousers. Well, of course, you will still have to work 😉, but I will tell you everything in sufficient detail. I hope you will not have any questions. I will tell you about increases and about WTO and about some features of figures. Changing the basic drawing of trousers for various features of figures: • Changing the drawing of trousers for various ... • Trousers will fit the figure! Changing the features ... Video about WTO of trousers: • Wet Heat Treatment of Trousers. 🧵📐 ... Facebook group for communication: / 760102171595730 Telegram channel: https://t.me/tutshiytsIrinoi #tutshiytsIrinoi #withloveineverystitch #pants #sewmyselfpants #sew #women'spants #sewing #tailoring #pants #sewathome #beauty #basicthings #basicwardrobe #creativity #pantssimple #sewsimple #DIY #fashion #style #sewinglifehacks