I will help you lose weight forever ???????? https://centrumrespo.pl/oferta/?utm_s... [own brand] Order my new book ???? https://www.empik.com/nowe-zdrowe-zyc... Bean pâté ???? https://centrumrespo.pl/przepisy/pasz... Beans in Breton style with meat and bread ???? https://centrumrespo.pl/przepisy/faso... 00:00 Introduction 01:32 Sauerkraut 02:40 Sprouts 02:50 Dairy 04:54 Smoked fish 06:05 Lean cold cuts 06:23 Legumes 06:57 Whole grain pasta and groats 08:03 Eggs 09:04 Oat flakes 09:48 Nuts 10:43 Vegetables and fruits 12:23 Beverages 13:41 Lean meat The film was not created in cooperation with Biedronka. The paid promotion designation refers to the promotion of Centrum Respo's own brand. You can also find me on: TikTok: / michal_wrzosek Instagram: / michal_wrzosek Facebook: / drmichalwrzosek