Prince Heinrich XI. Reuss, Elder Line / Summer Palace & Princely Park of Greizer / Documentary HD Heinrich XI. Reuss, Elder Line probably took his rise in society as an opportunity to change the interior of the existing palace and thus create an appropriate external setting to match the new dignity of the sovereign. He was elevated to the rank of Imperial Prince by Emperor Joseph II. The smaller parrot he acquired in 1774 probably had to be replaced in 1780. This time he bought a larger species, a cockatoo that cost almost three times as much. Nevertheless, he may have been particularly fond of his smaller predecessor. As far as we know, he did not have a portrait made like he did of his dogs, but he may have had it taxidermied, as the collections at Burgk Castle - another residence of the older Reuss line - contain a taxidermied Amazon parrot. Good horses were indispensable for the prince - both as mounts and for his own carriage. Heinrich XI. owned two riding horses and two pairs of carriage horses, a total of six horses, the purchase of which was paid for by the ruler, as well as the carriage itself. Henry XI exchanged aged horses, probably so that he could always have access to sufficiently capable animals. Discarded horses were sold for the private coffers. In June 1774, Henry paid for a delivery of six shocks of snails - 360 pieces, and in the spring of 1781 he had twelve shocks delivered - 720 pieces. In view of Henry's several-month stay in France during the Grand Tour, which also served to get to know other customs, it is reasonable to assume that these were Roman snails and that they were intended for the princely table. Apparently, snails were not only served more frequently, but their breeding or keeping was almost cultivated: Heinrich probably had a kind of enclosure built in a shady thicket in his garden at the Summer Palace in order to keep the snails and probably order them for the table as needed. _______________________ IMPRINT Daniela Bensch Email: [email protected] VAT identification number: DE231129701 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?... TikTok: (short videos) https://www.tiktok.com/@schloesserbur... Person responsible for content according to § 55 II RStV: Daniela Bensch Leipzig Editing program: Adobe Premiere Pro Camera: Canon EOS M50 Mark II Music: YouTube Creative Tool