President George II: Unpack, look and test! Many thanks to Alex's Radio Shop for the loan. Can be found at Alex's Radio Shop: https://alexsradioshop.de/produkt/pre... ~~~~ Construction kits: https://www.funkfieber.com/Baus%C3%A4... ~~~~ FUNKFIEBER fan article shop: https://funkfieber.myspreadshop.de/ ~~~~ Radio crisis preparedness: https://www.funkfieber.com/Funk-Krise... ~~~~ Equipment: https://funkfieber.com/Ausr%C3%BCstun... ~~~~ Support YouTube channel: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_... ~~~~ 15$ discount at Radioddity: http://radioddity.refr.cc/do1hfs ~~~~ Affiliate link: When you make a purchase, I receive a small commission without the products becoming more expensive for you. Thank you for your support. -- Long advertising video—Because it has to be there! --