Presentation of the brand and history of GORN Ceramics. Lecture by Yuriy Mirko: “How spiritual development helps creative development” Spiritual development helps creative growth through a deeper awareness of oneself and the world, increased intuition and sensitivity, which opens up new sources of inspiration. It also helps overcome creative blocks and fears, allowing you to act more boldly and experiment, enriching the process of self-expression. SPEAKERS Chief Master of GORN Ceramics - Yuriy Mirko Creative Director of GORN Ceramics - Bohdan Kryvosheya Location and partner - PROSTIR BUDZIRKA (link to your social network) Participant and organizer - GORN Ceramics (https://gornceramics.com/en/) (https://gornceramics.com/) Within the framework of UKRAINIAN DESIGN & INNOVATION WEEK (https://udiw.com.ua)